Tackling Myopia: Know Your Options!

Myopia is nearsightedness or the inability to see at a distance. This generally happens when the eye grows longer than necessary, which causes light to be focused in front of the retina. Because this focus point is not directly on the retina this results in blurry vision. 

We generally begin to see myopia when children enter school. In 2010, 1.9 billion people were thought to be myopic. Today, it is estimated that this has increased to 2.56 billion. There are many theories as to what is contributing to this surge and the debate continues.  The good news is we now possess the tools available to slow the progression of myopia in children. 

At Infinity Eye Care, we offer the three most popular treatment options.  

  1. The first treatment centers around the use of special eye drops which slow the elongation of the eye.  

  1. A second treatment consists of using specific multifocal contact lenses.  These lenses are typically soft lenses that must be worn while the child is awake. 

  1. Lastly, patients may choose to wear rigid lenses while they sleep. This method, called Ortho-Keratology, has the added benefit of allowing the patient to see without correction (glasses or contacts) during waking hours. 

Each of these treatment protocols have specific pros and cons and the patients and his or her parents should speak with their eye care specialist to determine which treatment is most appropriate. 

There also exist behavioral strategies which may prevent the onset of myopia. These behaviors include limiting screen time on handheld devices and spending time outside. Once again, your eyecare provider will be best positioned to offer specific recommendations. 

Infinity Eye Care in Twinsburg Ohio offers individualized treatment programs to best manage myopia. If you or your child may benefit from such a program, please schedule a comprehensive evaluation so that your options may be further explored. Dr. McKinnis and staff provide the very best care. We look forward to seeing you soon! 

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